Close up of hand and laboratory equipment
Student interview - Marike

“I would encourage everyone who has a tiny bit of motivation to go abroad”

Name: Marike Sophie Beck

Country: Germany

Institution: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Education: Medicine

Fantastic atmosphere at campus

The quality of the education system, and the Norwegian nature was among the things that attracted Marike Sophie to Norway.

-  What’s it like to be a German exchange student in Norway? 

To be honest, it is fantastic to study at NTNU. I really enjoy the daily learning and the atmosphere at the campus. As I am studying medicine here, the facilities at the hospital are ideal for learning and the staff is very interested in teaching us. It is not only about small learning groups that work well together, personal contact within a general positive attitude towards each other but also about gaining practical knowledge, and getting the possibility to try yourself what makes it very unique.

As I am a very outdoorsy person, I enjoy the possibility for quick mountain escapes at the weekends. Moreover, the every day life in Trondheim is great. Meeting for a beer at samfunnet or a cinnamon bun in the cafeteria at Gløs, making use of the universities language courses and getting in touch with the locals at the gym or in students associations. I suppose, this forms the perfect combination for having an intense and educational exchange here in Trondheim.

– Why did you choose Norway?

As I am studying Scandinavian languages in addition to my Medical Studies and I love mountains, I needed to come to Norway. The health care system is quite different from the German one and I like the positive culture of asking questions, addressing the lecturers with their first name and trying to understand each other, rather than claiming knowledge. I could imagine staying longer or coming back in a couple of semesters to work here as a medical doctor.

– Why do you think German students are so positive towards Norway as their exchange destination?

I think a lot of Germans are willing to come to Norway as it is not too far from home, most of the study courses for exchange students are offered in English, the educational system is quite good and it is possible to take some credits home. Furthermore, most of the exchange students I met here are keen on going out in the mountains and to the sea: Norway offers great possibilities to do this!

– What would you say to encourage more students to go on exchange? 

Generally, I would encourage everyone who has a tiny bit of motivation to go abroad! It is so easy as a student when you are independent and not bond to a full time job or other obligations.


2 March 2020