student in front of OSloMet university
Student standing infront of library - study in Norway

“Studying abroad is a unique opportunity, and it’s important to make the most of it”

Name: Christine Kabazira

Country: Uganda

Institution: Oslo Metropolitan University

Education: Master’s in journalism

The resources available to international students in Norway are incredible

Join me as I take a walk with Christine through the stunning campus of Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). Christine was kind enough to show me around campus. As we walked, I couldn't help but be amazed by the modern, minimalistic design of the university that was just impressive, but Christine's story of how she landed here in Norway was even more inspiring. 

Q: What was your first impression of OsloMet when you arrived? 

A: The campus is very beautiful and top-notch. When I finally arrived, they met me at the airport to pick me up, and then they took me to the school for a short tour and took me to my accommodation. I had to apply for accommodation in April. The room was furnished and had all the necessary equipment. 

Q: How do you spend your time at university? 

A: The education in Norway is very good. The relationship between the students and teachers is not top-down but extremely open and very hands-on. 

We have lectures from 8 am to 2 pm, but we have a lot of breaks and more interactive sections, so time flies. You can freely eat in the classrooms in Norway, which is a big plus for me. Another thing I like is the mode of examination. There are a lot of home exams where you work on a term paper, and they give you enough time to critically think and do your best to deliver a good paper. This builds you as a researcher instead of waiting for a 4-hour exam. 

The libraries in Norway are very beautiful and have a cozy atmosphere. So, students are extremely comfortable staying for longer and focusing on their studies. There are also a lot of guest lecturers and experts instead of listening to only one person the whole semester. We get to hear from various perspectives and people with different backgrounds, which is really enriching. 

Q: What have you learned so far in Norway? 

A: I have learned so much about the Norwegian culture and their way of life. People here are very friendly and welcoming, and the environment is very clean and well-maintained. I have also learned a lot from my professors and classmates at OsloMet. The quality of education here is top-notch, and the resources available to students are incredible. 

Q: What advice would you give to someone who is planning to study in Norway? 

A: I would advise them to be open-minded and embrace the Norwegian culture. Norwegians are very friendly and welcoming, but they have their own way of doing things, so it’s important to be respectful of that. 

It’s also important to take advantage of the resources that Norway offers, such as the libraries and guest lecturers. These can really enrich your education and help you develop as a researcher. 

Lastly, I would advise them to get involved in extracurricular activities and make connections with other students. Studying abroad is a unique opportunity, and it’s important to make the most of it.