UiT The Arctic University of Norway, North Norway

Electrical Engineering - Master

Electrical Engineering deals about applied electrical technology. It is a complex and dynamic discipline ranging from microelectronics through electromagnetism to high-power technology, from development of tomorrow's information technology to automation and instrumentation of complex industrial processes. Electronic engineers have for decades revolutionized our ordinary day. The concept "high tech" is largely based on innovations in the field of electrical engineering. Within the range of this discipline, you have the opportunity to learn to master a diverse range of skills.

  • Renewable energy
  • Stability and reliability in power systems
  • Operation, control and economics in power systems
  • Power electronics and electric motor drives
  • Control theory and development of advanced control systems
  • Programming skills for design, development and logic systems

The master's program will provide you a solid understanding of areas such as computer engineering, signal processing, control engineering, power electronics, microprocessor technology and programming, mechatronics and electric motor drives and electromagnetism. You will also work in practical, industry-related project, which provides additional opportunity for academic study. Both the projects and the final thesis is usually performed in cooperation with companies. This gives you the unique opportunity to get in contact with a possible future employer.

Entry requirements

A relevant undergraduate Bachelor Engineering programme with minimum 25 credits mathematics, 5 credits statistics and 7,5 credits hysics topics. Basic knowledge in power electronics and electrical machines i required.

2 years | 120 ECT


Application deadline

Nordic applicants: 15 April, EU/EEA + Swiss applicants: 1 March, Non-EU/EEA applicants: 15 November

Entry requirements

A relevant undergraduate Bachelor Engineering programme with minimum 25 credits mathematics, 5 credits statistics and 7,5 credits hysics topics. Basic knowledge in power electronics and electrical machines i required.