Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Mid Norway

Embedded Computing Systems - Master's Programme

The European Master in Embedded Computing Systems (EMECS) is a two-year Erasmus Mundus Master program where each of the two academic years is spent at a different EMECS partner university. The partner universities of our consortium are Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, University of Southampton, Politecnico Di Torino, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The programme is an opportunity for bachelor students who want to enhance their professional background and be employable in a broad range of ICT companies. You may specialise in topics like: Embedded Systems, Communication and Signal Processing, Automation and Control, or Microsystems.

You will find more information on the programme structure and courses on the EMECS webpage:

2 years | 120 ECT
No tuition fee for students admitted to an Erasmus Mundus programme