UiT The Arctic University of Norway, North Norway

Marine Biotechnology - master

Objectives, content and organization
The purpose is to educate candidates in modern biotechnological expertise, with particular empasis on use of marine resources, bioactive compounds, gene products and marine rest raw materials. You will qualify for careers in fields such as marine value creation, innovation and research.

A good marine biotechnologist must have a broad base of knowledge and skills in basic molecular biology, chemistry and techniques and processes that use marine micro-organisms, plant and animal cells, or parts of these, to manufacture, develop or modify commercially useful products. On successful completion of the programme, the degree of MSc in Marine Biotechnology is awarded.

In preparation for your study we encourage you to do the following:

iKomp - information literacy: The course is an online course that aims to make you better equipped to deal with the demands and expectations you are met with at universities and colleges when it comes to learning and academic integrity. Check the website: iKomp.

There will be a mandatory introductory part with themes like:

  • How to do science
  • How to be a master student in biotechnology
  • Writing a master theses/what we excpect from a master's thesis
  • Plagiarism / iKomp
  • Searching for literature / Munin
  • EndNote/Using references databases and how to use them in Word
  • Preparation for laboratory work
  • Web page in Canvas for Master students at NCFS

The program contains two parts: The first part is obligatory courses during the first semester and an approved selection of courses of at least 60 credits (ECTS) in total. The second part is a written thesis of a project (Master thesis). The extent of the assignment should correspond to a workload of 60 ECTS.

HMS-0501 (web-module), HMS-0502 (first aid, practical course), HMS-0504 (web-module), the compulsory safety course for laboratory work, must be taken by all students who carry out lab work. The compulsory parts of this multi-module course are taken online. The first aid part requires physical attendance. Students must fulfill the compulsory online modules as soon as the semester starts to have access to the laboratory wings. There are no credits for these courses.

Entry requirements

For details regarding required relevant background see Admission requirements (scroll down to the menu).

2 years | 120 ECT


Application deadline

Nordic applicants: 15 april, EU/EEA and Swiss applicants: 1 March, Non-EU/EEA applicants: 15 November

Entry requirements

For details regarding required relevant background see Admission requirements (scroll down to the menu).