UiT The Arctic University of Norway, North Norway

Master of Philosophy in Visual Anthropology

The Department of Social Science offers a two-year full-time Master's programme in Visual Anthropology. This programme aims to teach students how to produce knowledge about people's lives and cultures through an exploration of their everyday lives based on the use of qualitative social science research methods and ethnographic film. The programme combines lectures in academic theory and method, filmmaking and practical instruction in camerawork, sound recording and editing.

The students at the Master's programme follow a set of courses the first two semesters before they travel on fieldwork. Based on this fieldwork, the students write a Master's Thesis and make an ethnographic film. For a complete setup of the programme, please refer to the Programme structure below.

The films produced at Visual Anthropology are well known for their quality. Every year several films are selected for international documentary and ethnographic film festivals. The originality of the program has led to a special educational prize from UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and a further award for educational quality from the Ministry of Education.

Entry requirements

Bachelor's degree social, visual or cultural anthropology and statement of purpose

2 years | 120 ECT


Application deadline

Nordic applicants: 15 April, EU/EEA + Swiss applicants: 1 March, Non-EU/EEA applicants: 15 November

Entry requirements

Bachelor's degree social, visual or cultural anthropology and statement of purpose