University of Oslo, East Norway

Modern International and Transnational History

Is the world moving closer together or is it drifting apart? History as a discipline has been increasingly reaching out beyond the limits of the nation state in order to study this question. This new programme challenges its students to explore international and transnational processes, institutions and movements from multiple perspectives.

A broad and global historical perspective

Building on the broad range of thematic competences present at Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History and the inspiring environment provided by the University of Oslo and the city, students are encouraged to study the forces that connect and separate people across national borders.

By focusing on international and transnational history from the mid-19th century to the recent past, the programme offers a broad and global historical perspective on political, cultural, social and economic processes both between and beyond nation states. It includes a combination of closely integrated core and specialized courses. Over the first three semesters students will be thoroughly prepared to write their final master´s thesis through a practically oriented “horizontal” course module.

Two options for the 3rd semester

Modern International and Transnational History (MITRA) aims to raise students international profile both with a view to the academic and non-academic job market. In order to reach this goal the programme offers two options for the 3rd semester field term: Students can choose between an internship with an international organization, institution or enterprise abroad or a history project which will involve archival research outside of Norway.

Briefly about the programme

The programme welcomes applications from students with an interest in studying in a challenging and welcoming international environment. Please explore these webpages for information on the programme’s structure, learning outcomes, application requirements as well as courses on offer.

The master´s programme in Modern International and Transnational History is structured for full time students and is not suitable for part-time students.

2 years | 120 ECT
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